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Kansas State Sports Links
Looking for recruiting information?
Visit my 1999 and 2000 or 2001 Recruiting Pages...
- Kansas State Sports Information keeps you up to date on all of the University sports, featuring press releases, an events calendar, and ticket information for all K-State links to all of the offical sports pages and more.
- Big covers all of the latest news around the Big XII conference from various media outlets, as well as providing numerous links to other sites of interest. Looking for media convering the conference? This is the place you want to be.
- Go Big is a private
site run by Cox Interactive Media covering the entire conference based out of Austin, Texas. Make sure to check out the K-State page as well as the Wildcats Bulletin Board at Go Big 12.
- K-State A combined effort by the former owners of and Stop by and visit the multiple bulletin boards, chat and find out the latest on all sports with their sports calendar. This is probably the most active forum on the 'net for Cat fans.
- The Purple Locator keeps you in touch with all things Wildcat. Features links to almost every K-State sports site on the net, plus much, much more.
- KSU Webring allows you to take a look at a few other K-State fan pages. While it may be small now...that still does not mean you can't waste a whole afternoon surfing it!
K-State Media
- The Cat Zone is brought to you by the Topeka Capital- Journal and features the CJ's articles on the Cats plus many other features.
- Tim Fitzgerald's Powercat
Illustrated Now an Alliance Sports based subscription website, PI uses the former Rivals network to provide the latest in sports recruiting information. It also features a number of bulletin boards for fans to share information and conversation.
Local News Sources
Football Only Sites
- Enter the
Lair is a site run by two Alums (Tim McCune and Terry Ratliff)
devoted entirely to K-State Football. Featuring the latest news, opponent previews, depth charts and various other features this award-winning page is a don't miss for the die-hard
- As long as you're here, take the effort to drop by some
of the other pages on my website. You can educate yourself on some of the past football recruiting classes by talking a look at the 1999 K-State recruits or the 2000 K-State class. Also, I have put together information on
1999 and 2000 Walk-ons. Other responsibilities have limited my work in following recruiting for the 2001 Class, here is a recap page.
updated 2/7/01
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University Athletic Department.